Joseph R. Ouellette Bridge Lighting

Photo credit: Henry Marte, Marte Media

On October 21, 2022, Lowell Waterways Vitality Initiative celebrated the lighting of the Joseph R. Ouellette Bridge (Aiken Street). The celebration included a small reception prior to “flipping the switch” and viewing of the bridge light’s special programming and effects. The lighting program was also live streamed on Facebook.

The placement of the 250 white, LED lights was designed to highlight the architecture of this historic, lenticular truss style bridge. It is the second bridge lighting project completed by the Waterways Vitality Initiative and was completed thanks to the generosity of a private, anonymous donor.

PFC Joseph R. Ouellette

The Ouellette Bridge is named in honor of PFC Joseph R. Ouellette, a Lowell native killed in action on Sept 30, 1950 during the Korean War. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.